Insights from an Admission Campaign : Electric Vehicles


At Pupilfirst, we recently concluded our nation-wide campaign for identifying the top students who are interested in becoming part of a beginner’s certification program in Electric Vehicles. After a 11 days campaign, we were able to the identify the top 100!

We are offering this course in association with Micelio, industry leader in the Electric Mobility ecosystem in India. The course is currently in progress with over 100 students being offered 100% scholarship.

The intent of this program is to teach ‘Mathematical Modelling of an Electric Vehicle’. The duration of the program is 3 weeks and at end of the course, all students who have completed the program will be able to successfully mathematically model an Electric vehicle. Some of the students who complete the program would also be eligible to become Teaching Assistants for future batches and also stand a chance to be part of our upcoming courses. All the students who successfully complete the program will also be issued a certificate endorsed by both Micelio and us, Pupilfirst.

The data and insights we gained from all of the applications we received is elucidated below.

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The nationwide distribution of applications looked like this.

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The 7 states are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh.

We received stellar applications with a lot of students scoring nearly full scores (13 being the full score). Unfortunately, we had to narrow down and select 100 students, owing to capacity restrictions at our end.

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It’s important to note that the above comments are in no way a reflection of the IQ or learning capabilities of the 16,859 students. The above scores and the interpretation is a reflection of the pedagogy, quality of curriculum and sheer exposure these students have had to emerging technologies, of which Electric Vehicles is just one example.

It can be further assumed that 58% of the students, who scored between 6 and 10 have a good grasp on foundational Math and Physics, but are unable to apply them in a practical context
— Swapnil Mankame, EV Course Coach

For remaining 20% who scored less than 5, it would be safe to say that they haven't had a chance to grasp the foundational concepts in Mathematics and Physics that are essential to building a career in the Electric Vehicle domain.

Concluding Thoughts

With honourable Union Minister Nitin Gadkari setting the grand vision of making India the No. 1 EV manufacturer in the world, India’s domestic demand for EV engineers will only shoot up. Massive interventions will be needed at the level of policy, pedagogy, curriculum and grass-roots levels to ensure the nation trains enough of it’s young engineers to be capable enough in this Emerging technology.

The interventions will require the collective participation of Industry leaders by forming an alliance, regulatory bodies in the education field, various universities, parents and students.

We will be running more and more such campaigns and program in the future that will help us gather more accurate data that paints a better picture of the state of awarenesses and skill levels w.r.t Electric vehicles among students.

If you are a student interested in participating in such programs in the future, be it Electric Vehicles or other emerging technology domains, you can register your interest in this form.


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